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  • Caverna: The Forgotten Folk (Expansion) 29.99

    Wondrous creatures are roaming through the forests and mountains of Caverna, working the land to build a splendid future for their families. For a very long time, the dwarves thought they were the only intelligent species around. How surprised they must have been to find out that they were wrong! But theres no time to spare for pondering over where these creatures come from and what they might want. Its time to embrace the new reality and compete for the few resources there are with folk that dont seem to play by the rules …

    Hundred years ago, when I was a youngling, there where only us. No matter where you looked – in the mines, on the fields or in the caverns – only dwarfs. But that’s long ago. Today there are the other folks. Some say the “Forgotten Folks” and claim that they have been here since the very beginning. But no matter if forever or just for the last hundred years, now it’s time to show them that we are dwarfs and that we are ready to fight for our place in this world!

    Alexodir, tribe of the Wilbertons, King of the Dwarfs


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